Health update on Teen Mom Leah Messer’s daughter Aliannah

Yesterday we had some exclusive information about Teen Mom 2 Corey Simm’s new girlfriend straight out of his divorce from Leah Messer, but today we have some more uplifting news.

Alianna, one of the tumultous couple’s twin daughters, has struggled with several mysterious ailments since her birth. She had some vision problems that were corrected with baby glasses, and, more frighteningly, was having trouble holding weight on her legs like her sister. In fact, Leah was devastated because she feared that Ali would never be able to walk.

According to US Magazine‘s source, Aliannah will be able to walk someday, “she’ll just be a little slower to start,” Leah recently made some Facebook messages about taking Ali to the doctor, and if these reports are true, it looks like things went well at that appointment.

With all this stress going on in Leah’s life, this is one bright spot!

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