
My Five Wives micro preemie Baby Huck post-surgery update

My Five Wives baby Huck Karlie Jake Brady Paulie

My Five Wives daughter Calistia “Karlie” Jessop gave birth to her micro preemie son Jacob “Huck” Jessop on Tuesday, October 28, and since that time the Williams family have been keeping fans updated on his condition. The last time we updated our readers Baby Huck was stable and “on the path to recovery.” Today the Williams family shared another update, which appears to be even more good news.

Here is the most recent photo of Baby Huck and the update from the Williams earlier today:

Baby Huck My Five Wives

And the very latest. Today has been a big day for #babyHuck! He got extibated and is now breathing more on his own with the help of Nip-V a different less invasive breathing devise. HE POOPED! This is major for him because of surgery, the morphine he’s been in and not to mention he hasn’t really pooped on his own for the past 2+ weeks! Mom has never been so happy to see poop! Because he pooped they are going to start feeding him again. It will be small at first but it’s a start. SO PROUD of our baby boy!!

Karlie previously revealed that Baby Huck was suffering from intestinal atresia, which was blocking his digestive track and not allowing anything through. “They cut out 12cm and are connecting the 2 ends together right now,” Karlie said in an update during the surgery. “His recovery will be long,” she added, “but he should feel a lot better and hopefully continue on a speedy path to come home!”

Karlie spoke with Us Weekly and talked about how much the outpouring of support from other mothers of premature babies has meant to her. “For me that was the big thing, was having other moms reach out to me and sharing their stories,” she reveals. “It was really helpful so I just want to reach out in my own way to let other moms know they’re not alone in what they’re going through. And also just to say thank you to all of our fans for the tremendous amount of love and support and prayers we have received through them.”

Another frustration for Karlie has been the hospital’s policy of only four visitors allowed, which is especially restrictive given her plural marriage family and five mothers. “None of the aunts or uncles except for [my younger sister] Madeline has been able to come in and see him,” Karlie said. “None of the other moms, just my mom, my dad, and my sister. All of my moms let me know they’re thinking of us and praying for us and they always send their love.”

Williams family patriarch Brady Williams also spoke with Us and dealing with the hospital visitation policy. “It’s been really hard on all the siblings and the other mothers because they just want to run down here and help out in any way they can, but they know there’s nothing they can really do,” he said. “You don’t want to spread any germs. It would be horrible if Karlie got a cold because she wouldn’t be allowed in to her baby so Karlie’s really had to isolate herself and get love from afar.”

The site points out that filming for the current season of My Five Wives ended before Karlie went into premature labor, but reveals that there will an “emotional update on baby Huck’s condition and footage from the days following his early birth” airing after the Season Finale on Sunday, December 21.

My Five Wives airs Sunday nights at 10/9c on TLC. And be sure to visit the page set up by the network to send well-wishes to Baby Huck!

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