Evan Rachel Wood has gone back to Marilyn Manson!
Fortunately for all women, Marilyn Manson is off the market again, but unfortunately for men, Evan Rachel Wood is taken as well. The tragedy is that the talented and attractive 22-year-old actress is back on the depressed, alcoholic, cokey arm of the 40-year-old (with a 14-year-old mind) shock-musician.
They’ve been splits for for about a year now, and sometime during that break Marilyn begged for ex-wife Dita von Teese to come back to him. He also revealed some of the psychotic details of his split with Evan Rachel Wood in an interview, describing spending Christmas 2008 not speaking to his family, having cocaine baggies taped the to wall and calling Evan 158 times, each time slashing his face with a razor and talked about how he wanted to kill her. Who wouldn’t want to take that back?
Manson broke their reconciliation himself to Metal Hammer magazine:
“Sometimes you feel awkward being what you’re best at, you feel like you have to be something new. But I think that a lot of people will agree that me being me at my best [is what] I need to be. I think that really paid off because I’m back with Evan, that’s kind of breaking news, you can be the first one to say that.”
Since the news still hasn’t come out of Evan’s mouth and they are yet to be photographed together, it might be safe to take this information with a grain of salt.
Although Manson is reportedly back with Wood, he has split from his record company, Interscope, and is happy about it because Interscope wouldn’t let him make videos where he pretends to kill Evan Rachel Wood.
Here’s the controversial video of “Running to the Edge of the World,” from Manson’s latest album The High End of Low. It’s basically 6 minutes of Marilyn Manson looking sad into the camera and 27 seconds of him beating a girl that looks exactly like Evan Rachel Wood to death. He’s always so subtle and mature: