Dark Knight shooter says he doesn’t remember why he’s in jail

Not sure how the Dark Knight massacre could get any worse, but now killer James Holmes claims he can’t remember why he’s in jail. The New York Daily News claims James is constantly asking workers in the jail “Why am I here?”

It seems like James is grasping at straws trying to save himself. The jail worker notes that everyone at the jail thinks his amnesia is an act:

“He needs to save his act for the jury because no one here is buying it. Everyone is convinced he is faking it.”

The worker also says James is complaining about the food and belly aches.

“He’s claiming his belly hurts him. He complained once that he didn’t like the food . . . The guy killed 12 people, and he’s upset that he’s not getting a four-star meal?”

Apparently typical meals at the jail don’t sound too bad, a breakfast would be grits and sausage, and lunch is something like a ham sandwich.

James Holmes is in 23-hour lockdown, and wears a bulletproof vest during his once-a-day walks.

There are also reports that James sent a package containing horrific drawings and details about his plans for a massacre to University of Colorado, where he was once a Ph.D. shooting. Initial reports claimed the package lingered at the University’s mailroom for a week, but they denied this claim in a statement. The package reportedly arrived Monday after the shootings, and after it was found an entire building was evacuated for 2 1/2 hours while they accessed whether or not it was dangerous, and called in the F.B.I.

Holmes also booby-trapped his apartment, where he was getting evicted from, with explosives.

He murdered 12 people, and injured 58 at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight rises in Aurora, Colorado July, 20. Given that he sent that package, booby-trapped his apartment, asked women on an online dating site if they would “visit him in jail;” this was definitely premeditated.

That a heck of a lot of stuff to not remember.

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