MUG SHOT Kentucky police arrest Queen Elsa from Frozen, charge her with “excessive winter”

  It’s cold out there, you guys. It’s so cold, Jim Cantore is jumping for joy over thundersnow in Boston. It’s so cold, Boston is practically one giant snowball. And it’s so cold that police in Harlan KY are looking for fictional characters to blame the unending February on–all in the name of fun, of…


VIDEO Watch The Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore lose his mind over thundersnow in Boston

  Snow: New England is sick of it; the rest of the country’s gotten less of it than usual this year; and we’re all kind of at the exact worst point of winter besides. The major holidays are all done, but it’s going to be slushy and gray and not spring for at least a…


VIDEO Arizona weather map predicts apocalyptic temperatures, weatherman just rolls with it live on the air

  The crew over at Fox 10 out there in sunny Phoenix AZ is made up of some good-natured folk, and some talented improvisers to boot. Earlier this week, there was a malfunction involving either the network’s green screen or the computers loading the information into the weather map, because that map started to project…