Category: Rayna LIndsey

BELOW DECK Rayna Lindsey explains why she doesn’t accept Heather Chase’s apology for using the n-word

A couple of episodes ago on Below Deck Heather Chase was recorded saying the n-word, a racial slur, on camera. She was repeating her castmate Rayna Lindsey, who is black, saying it, but there is no situation where a white person should say this word. Heather did not apologize for it immediately afterwards but later she and deckhand Jake Folger were singing rap lyrics they may have said the word again. Rayna casually brought up that they couldn’t say the word, and pointed out that Heather had said the word earlier. Heather said “sorry” at the time. She later sat down and apologized to Rayna on tonight’s episode after a few days had passed, but Rayna ultimately did not find her apology sincere. Rayna Lindsey appeared last night on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen to address her thoughts and feelings about this difficult situation.