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SWAMP PEOPLE Alligator Price Chart

The alligator market fluctuates every year, and so do the fortunes of the hunters who rely on selling wild alligators to make their living. The market hit a high $40/f ft. rate for gators in the late 80’s and dipped to an unsustainable $13/ ft. for the same size gator in 2010, but things have been getting slowly better. Read on to see how the market was for alligators this year.

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PHOTOS Swamp People – Where is the quarter-sized kill spot on an alligator?

If you’re a big fan of The History Channel’s blockbuster reality series Swamp People then you’ve probably heard the alligator hunters referencing a “quarter-sized kill spot” on the top of a gator’s head, which is where you have to shoot it to guarantee a quick kill. And, if you’re like me, then you’ve probably wondered where that “kill spot” is. (Who knows, we just might bump into a gator on our way to work next week, right?) Keep reading for illustrations that should help clarify so you can become a real deal alligator killer seem even more manly while talking around the water cooler at the office.


BIO Swamp People Fathers and Sons: Junior and Willie Edwards

Father and son, Junior and Willie Edwards start this year’s alligator season hunting together, but only a few episodes into the season, we see Willie is striking out on his own a bit.  Do you reckon that could have anything to do with Junior accidentally shooting him? Nah. Keep reading to find out more about this Lousiana father/son duo that includes the only cast member on Swamp People that makes a living year-round reeling things in from the water.