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Kim Richards broke up with Ken Blumenfeld?

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards is currently undergoing a 30-day rehab treatment at Betty Ford. She’s been accused of being an alcoholic on camera by her sister Kyle, and also listed on camera three prescription drugs she was on.

A source tells People that before entering rehab she was no longer staying with boyfriend Ken Blumenfeld, they may have broken up, and Kim was essentially homeless.

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Kim Richards’ boyfriend Ken Blumenfeld mug shot photo from 2009 DUI arrest

It’s only been a couple weeks since the identity of Kim Richards’ new boyfriend Ken Blumenfeld was revealed on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and it doesn’t appear he is fairing to well under the media spotlight. In addition to not winning over Kim’s sister Kyle Richards’ approval (even now, months after they met) it has been revealed that Ken was maintaining his match.com dating profile as recently as four weeks ago and he had a 2009 arrest for DUI back in 2009. Keep reading to see his mug shot photo and read what Kyle Richards has to say about Ken and Kim in her most recent blog.

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Kim Richards’ son Chad Davis is dating Kim’s boyfriend’s daughter Gaby Blumenfeld

Wait, what?

It seems boyfriend Ken Blumenfeld wasn’t the only romantic secret The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Kim Richards was keeping. Her 20-year-old son Chad Davis is reportedly dating Ken’s 18-year-old daughter Gabrielle “Gaby” Blumenfeld! Keep reading for the deets and pics of the young lovebirds!