Bill Cosby speaks: “Black media” should remain “neutral” in his case

Bill Cosby

Bill Cosby has remained almost completely silent over the past six weeks, while a chorus of sexual misconduct allegations has grown ever-louder. But the legendary entertainer has finally spoken up about the troubling circumstances surrounding him–and he has some choice words for very specific media outlets.

Cosby didn’t address any individual allegations of molestation, attempted rape, outright rape, or drugging, of which there are at least several dozen. Instead, in a brief exchange with the New York Post, Cosby said he expected “black media” to remain neutral where his case is concerned.

The full quote is this:


Let me say this. I only expect the black media to uphold the standards of excellence in journalism and when you do that you have to go in with a neutral mind.


When asked his his wife Camille was holding up under the strain of constant allegations, an “upbeat” Cosby responded positively:


Love and the strength of womanhood. Let me say it again, love and the strength of womanhood. And, you could reverse it, the strength of womanhood and love.


Then, saying only “They don’t want me talking to the media,” Cosby ended the conversation.

Elsewhere, Spelman College, the historically-black Atlanta school to which Cosby has had extensive and close ties for decades, distanced itself from the comedian.

The school has suspended indefinitely the William and Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby Endowed Professorship, a position for visiting scholars created when the Cosbys donated $20 million to the school in 1988.

School spokeswoman Audrey Arthur elaborated on Spelman’s decision for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:


The William and Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby Endowed Professorship was established to bring positive attention and accomplished visiting scholars to Spelman College in order to enhance our intellectual, cultural and creative life. The current context prevents us from continuing to meet these objectives fully. Consequently, we will suspend the program until such time that the original goals can again be met.

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