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Are Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski still together?


As of this morning (July 29, 2009), yes!

Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski appeared on Good Morning America this morning still beaming from their new romance. Jillian is still moving to Chicago and the pair expect to get married in the next 12-18 months. Jillian says, “We’ll probably get married in Canada.”

Ed revealed that hearing Jillian talk about other guys, especially Reid isn’t hard anymore, he’s heard it enough now.

Both Ed and Jillian also said that it wasn’t “werid” kissing and “hooking up” on camera.

Jillian ended the segment with this little nugget of advice aimed at a very young viewer who asked why Jillian kissed so many boys:

“Unless you’re the Bachelorette, you shouldn’t kiss that many guys in one date or one week.”

UPDATE 8/5/09 – There may be trouble in paradise!

UPDATE: Ed and Jillian officially broke up July 7, 2010)

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