Bachelorette contestant sent home by producers for rape joke, sexual advances

Ryan McDill - The Bachelorette


One Bachelorette contestant’s drunken first encounter with Kaitlyn Bristowe and Britt Nilsson was enough to get him booted from the show before the first rose ceremony.

During the premiere episode, 28-year-old Ryan McDill appeared visibly inebriated when meeting the ladies for the first time.

“I’m all horned up right now,” he said at one point. “I apologize for nothing. I’m sorry for being offensive.”

Although that may have been an excusable offense, Ryan made matters way worse for himself by grabbing Kaitlyn’s butt. Oh, and by calling the ladies “hoes.”


Ryan McDill Drunk


The situation got even worse once Ryan went inside the house and started interacting with the other guys. When one, J.J. Lane, tried to call him out on it, Ryan said, “Why am I not raping you right now?”

J.J., the smarter and more sober of the two, responded, “Why is ‘rape’ your go-to word. The bigger question is why are you here?” (There couldn’t have been a better response if it was scripted… Round of applause for J.J.!)

A short time later, host Chris Harrison stepped in to ask Ryan to leave.

“I hate to do this, but you’re clearly not here for either of these girls,” he said. “I really think it’s best if you go home.”

Although Kaitlyn and Britt seemed to dodge a bullet on that one, former Bachelor winner Nikki Ferrell apparently didn’t catch on to Ryan’s d-bag ways as quickly: According to Us Weekly, Nikki was in a relationship with Ryan shortly before joining Juan Pablo’s season. She conveniently left that detail out while tweeting about the show last night.

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