America’s Next Top Model 16 Kasia Pilewicz photos, videos and brief bio

America's Next Top Model Cycle 16 banner with all contestants

Tyra Banks and the beauty crew of America’s Next Top Model will return for their 16th season on February 23rd as 14 fresh new faces from around the country compete to win the ultimate career-launching prize package: a contract with IMG Models, one of the top international modeling management companies in the world; a fashion spread in Vogue Italia and an additional spread and cover of Beauty in Vogue; and a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl Cosmetics.

ANTM Kasia Pilewicz from America's Next Top Model Cycle 16We will be doing profile posts on all the contestants with their official ANTM Cycle 16 promo photos, background information provided by The CW and whatever other info we could dig up, including links to their Facebook pages, online portfolios and anything else of interest!

Kasia Pilewicz is a 36-year-old “plus-size” model originally from Wheaton, Illinois and currently living in New York City. Here’s her info from The CW:

Age: 26

Height: 5’ 9”

Hometown: Wheaton, Illinois

Current location: New York, New York

Occupation: College graduate with a degree in Journalism

Favorite Designer: Marc Jacobs, among many others

Biggest ANTM Fear: My biggest fear is making sure I’ll be myself on camera and hoping that will make an impact on people. I guess I’m just hoping that I, myself, in the raw, will be enough.

Most Confident About: I am most confident about my high fashion look.

Favorite Non-Modeling Activities: I love taking acting classes and reading anything I can get my hands on about films, acting and directing. I also go to a lot of art museums, exhibits and shows in New York City.





Kasia Pilewicz made a pretty big splash on the internet last January when she was one of the plus-size models featured in V Magazine‘s Size Issue in a photo essay titled “Curves Ahead.” Here is a picture of Kasia from the shoot taken by Sølve Sundsbø and shared in a preview of the issue on

ANTM Kasia Pilewicz in V Magazine's Sive Issue from January 2010

Kasia talked about the Plus Size issue in an interview with (Click the link for more):

“I’m shocked at how many people have taken notice of me and contacted me since the preview and the magazine came out. The increased exposure has immensely helped my modeling and acting career already…and I’m so grateful for this opportunity! I was happy with how I performed overall that day, and now that I’ve seen the final photo, I’m very proud of myself. I really hope this shoot, and the magazine overall opens up people’s eyes and minds to seeing beauty in many body types.”

And here is a video of Kasia from various modeling gigs including the V Magazine Size Issue shoot:

And one more photo of the lovely blond taken from her Facebook profile:

America's Next Top Model Kasia Pilewicz from her Facebook fan page

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