BEFORE THE 90 DAYS Darcey Silva arrested with sister Stacey after ‘cat fight’

Stacey and twin sister Darcey Silva from Before the 90 Days

Before the 90 Days star Darcey Silva’s troubles with her Dutch “twin flame” Jesse Meester were well documented on TLC’s Before the 90 Days, but it appears that she is also having some difficulties with her actual twin as well, sister Stacey Silva. The sibling co-founders of the House of 11 fashion empire were arrested earlier this month in their hometown of Middletown, Connecticut after an altercation between the two turned into a full-on “cat fight.”

The Silva sister smackdown took place on Thursday, February 8 resulting in both 43-year-old sisters being charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct. According to the arrest reports from the incident, there were two unidentified witnesses to the altercation, which I am guessing may have been Darcey’s daughters?

Here are both accounts from the arresting officer:

On February 8, 2018, at approximately 0134 hours, I responded to an apartment in Middletown for a report of a domestic disturbance between two sisters.

Darcey Silva stated that her sister began arguing with her and throwing items around the apartment. She reported that her sister also pushed her around. She stated that she never put her hands on her sister.

Victim #2/Offender #2 her sister, Darcey, was extremely upset and started to have a verbal argument with her. Victim #2/Offender #2 stated that they both put their hands on each other during the argument and were pushing each other.

Witnesses, [redacted] and [redacted], reported observing both of them fight with each other. [redacted] stated that they both started arguing with each other and it eventually escalated into a “cat fight”. [redacted] reported that both Darcey Silva and Victim # 2/0ffender # 2 were mutually attacking each other. [redacted] reported that they were not punching each other but were pushing and pulling each other around the house.

* * * * * * *

On February 8, 2018, at approximately 0134 hours. I responded to an apartment in Middletown for a report of a domestic disturbance between two sisters.

Victim # 1/0ffender #1 stated that her sister began arguing with her and throwing items around the apartment. She reported that her sister also pushed her around and that she never put her hands on her sister.

Stacey Silva reported that her sister was woken up and became extremely upset and started having a verbal argument with her. Stacey said that during the argument she knocked over a lamp and flipped over the kitchen table and chairs. Stacey also stated that they both put their hands on each other during the argument and were pushing each other.

Witnesses [redacted] and [redacted] reported observing both of them fight with each other. [redacted] stated that they both started arguing with each other and it eventually escalated into a “cat fight.” [redacted] reported that both Victim # 1/0ffender # 1 and Stacey Silva were mutually attacking each other. [redacted] reported that they were not punching each other but were pushing and pulling each other around the house.

The case was initially filed as a domestic violence incident, but it is now simply disorderly conduct. According to court dockets, the sisters have a court date scheduled for March 16 at 10AM.

Unfortunately, I do not know if Darcey and Stacey were actually booked, so I don’t know if they have mug shot photos.

On a side note, when I first found out about this arrest my “reality show drama detector” was buzzing like crazy. Could it be that Darcey and Stacey are attempting to reboot their previous pilot-only reality show The Twin Life? There’s no mention of a film crew in the report, and I can’t imagine they would have wasted a table-flipping cat fight without cameras there to capture it all, so my detector has since quieted down a bit. But still, that is reason enough to repost this priceless image of Darcey and Stacey from The Twin Life:

Darcey Silva and sister Stacey Silva reality show The Twin Life

While Darcey has remained silent about her arrest on social media, the same cannot be said for Jesse Meester, who has been inundated with questions about the incident.

Here is his reaction as posted on his Instagram stream:

Jesse Meester on Darcey Silva's arrest

Jesse also engaged with commenters on his most recent Instagram photo, including a few questions from @90DayFiance_tlc, who took on the 90 Day Fiance franchise’s philosophical Übermensch Jesse with a bit of Friedrich Nietzsche! Before things turned philosophical, Jesse’s first response looks to be what inspired his quote above:

90dayfiance_tlc: @jessemeester, any comment on Darcey’s arrest?

JESSE: I am not getting into it since I am not with her. I distant myself from the behavior like I did many times. I do not want to be associated with this craziness anymore. People can do only so much to help or confront. It saddens me to hear from others this is still going on.

COMMENTER: @90dayfiance_tlc petty?

JESSE: it is. People keep asking me what I think about that she got arrested. Like I kept ignoring it but I want to make clear that whatever she does is her responsibility. Do not involve me with it. Wether she drinks or fights with her sister I don’t care. I just pray that one day she will stop this and take ownership for her own growth. No more words.

90dayfiance_tlc: @jessemeester I understand why you wouldn’t want to be associated with her so much, but you have to appreciate the fact that being on this show has brought you a lot of attention, whether that be positive or negative. People who watched are still interested in you and your story, whether or not that includes Darcey. And those are the same people who want to buy your calendars and coffee. So you can understand their curiosity, us included.

JESSE: @90dayfiance_tlc I totally understand what you are saying. And you know I care for each and every single one. Even her. So it’s sad, but not anything I can do about, nor anyone else.

COMMENTER: I feel bad you must get tired of people asking about Darcy. I follow you to watch you succeed. So happy to see great things happening for you!!

JESSE: I wish the best to anyone. And yes, that gets tiring. But for her this keeps going on and on.. and it’s never her fault and you never know what to expect next. Only two drinks, I don’t hit my sister, I don’t do no wrong. Like without ownership nothing will change ever. And nobody will be ever able to help. Like people hate on Paul but I have great respect for the fact that he takes ownership for his mistakes. Nobody is perfect. But lying and deceiving won’t work.

90dayfiance_tlc: @jessemeester Nietzsche said “I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now I can’t believe you”

JESSE: @90dayfiance_tlc well said.. Even when the behavior demonstrates a different reality than what the blamer/victim claims, the blamer/victim is likely to remain more committed to keeping his or her narrative intact than to seeing the truth. And that’s what I mean with ownership. In this case it’s always someone else’s fault. Even people close are hurt by that including me. And for that I just have no respect and is a little scary when people fall for it.

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