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Kim Zolciak baby bump photos of twins at 9 months pregnant

9-months pregnant Kim Zolciak baby bump with twins

The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Don’t Be Tardy star Kim Zolciak Biermann continues to update fans on her pregnancy progress in the form of baby bump photos, sharing a pair of pictures earlier today of her twin-carrying belly at nine months.

“Sooooo with all the requests I finally decided to post My baby bump today!” Kim wrote with the instagram photo above. “The twins will be here this month and we are soooo excited and I’m soooo over being pregnant!” she added as well as the hashtag #countingdownthedays

Just prior to sharing the photos, Kim tweeted, “Hubby just measured my belly OMG!!! 48 inches around!! And not ONE stretch mark!! I know stretch marks r genetics but I have some tricks!” She later promised to make a blog post soon on KimZolciak.com revealing her stretch mark prevention tips.

After posting the pics, a fan asked Kim “How do you walk?!” and then added in admiration, “You’re one tough woman.” Kim replied in her usual humorous way by writing, “hunni I waddle!!”

Kim later tweeted her appreciation to her family for helping her deal with the difficulties that go along with pregnancy — especially being pregnant with twins! “I’m so thankful for my hubby and kiddos who help me do everything at this point! Even getting my legs up on the couch!”

Kim is also getting some help in the form of gifts — check out her tub o’ twin toys:

One thing Kim is apparently able to do on her own is pose for selfies, although we don’t know what all had to happen to get Kim in front of the mirror. 😉 As I mentioned above, Kim has been quite generous in updated fans with relatively consistent updates on her pregnancy with selfies over the last few months, and I’ve compiled them all for you here:

Pregnant Kim Zolciak Biermann baby bump photos twins 2013

Thanks once again to Kim for sharing! We can’t wait to meet the two new little Biermanns!

Here are links to the original Kim Zolciak baby bump pics by date:

October 20
September 30
September 14
July 27

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