1000 POUND SISTERS Pregnant Amy Slaton Halterman gender reveal video

1000 Pound Sisters Pregnant Amy Slaton gender reveal video 2nd baby

1,000 Pound Sisters star Amy Slaton-Halterman announced earlier this month that she is currently pregnant and expecting her second child with husband Michael Halterman. Amy revealed that she is due July 18, but she didn’t announce whether or not the baby is a boy or a girl. That changed this weekend when Amy shared a gender reveal video on YouTube!

“Hey y’all! It’s Amy, and today we’re doing the gender reveal!” Amy exclaims at the beginning of the clip (included below). “I’m super excited. I’m hoping for a girl,” Amy says. As 1,000 Pound Sisters viewers are well aware, Amy already has a boy — 14-month-old Gage.

“Michael’s hoping for whatever,” Amy continues. “He’s the only one that knows.”

Amy then shares a few minutes of her friends predicting whether they think the baby will be a boy or a girl, with those choosing “girl” winning by a landslide.

At roughly the 5:25 mark in the video, Amy returns for the actual reveal. She’s holding a large, folded piece of poster board that teases “IT’S A” on the front. Amy flips the cover over to reveal that she is having a boy!

Amy seems distraught. “What the f***?” she says as she starts to laugh. She asks Michael to make sure he wasn’t joking, and he assures her that it’s a boy. Amy is handed a phone that I assume had a sonogram or other clear indication of the sex of the baby.

“It’s a boy,” Amy concedes. She then seems to reveal that their son’s name will be John Alan (Or John Allen). She also hints that she will be taking inspiration from The Waltons by calling her son John Boy.

“So thank y’all guys for watching,” Amy says at the end of the clip, before signing off with her signature catchphrase: “Bye Youtubees! Suscriiibe!”

Here’s the full gender reveal video:

Congratulations to Amy and Michael! We can’t wait to meet little John when he arrives!

NOTE: Numerous commenters have pointed out that the date in the upper left-hand corner of the video says May 17, 2021. All of the evidence points to that just being a wrong date on the camera used to shoot the video, so no need to throw any fuel on potential Amy Slaton pregnancy timeline conspiracy theory fire.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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