Your Morning Starbuzz! 11-05-08

Tim Robbins Gets Snubbed At The Polls
T-Rob gets so irate when his name isn’t on the register he refuses to fill out a provisional ballot and a poll worker threatens to call the police. (A TMZ video camera caught up with him immediately afterward)

Heidi Klum Angers Hindus With Costume
The world will never know peace if America’s German super models can’t refrain from dressing up as Hindu goddesses for Halloween. (Aside from the offensiveness, the goddess Kali costume kicked ass!)

“Flight Of The Conchords” Dude A Father
Actor Jemaine Clement and wife Miranda Manasiadis gave birth to a baby boy last month and increased his chances of becoming president by naming him Sophocles Iraia Manasiadis Clement. We’re wondering if Clement performed “Prettiest Baby In The Room” at the birth.

Ha Ha! Nelson From The Simpsons In Trouble
The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network is upset that Nelson Muntz said “that’s so gay” in reference to Milhouse’s activities in The Simpsons annual Treehouse of Horror episode. Complaining about the political correctness of what Nelson says?!? That’s so gay!

Carrie Underwood Voices Opinion About Voicing Opinion
Props to Carrie for doing her part to make it illegal for Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Lindsay Lohan to talk politics.,,20237811,00.html

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