Watch Ray Stevens ‘We the People’ video plus lyrics

Ray Stevens strums a plunger in the We the People video

The Tea Party Movement has a new theme song! No, it’s not by Ted Nugent. Nope, it’s not by Kid Rock either. The new anthem putting smiles on everyone pushing for Webster’s to include “Obamacare” in their next official lexicon is “We the People” by Ray Stevens!

Here’s his serious message coated in silliness for easier swallowing. (I’ll embed a video with larger dimensions towards the bottom of the post – it won’t fit up here without overlapping all those precious ads on the right.)

Here are the lyrics:

It’s gonna be a big heart breaker,
Grandma needs a new pace maker,
And the doctor says, “I realize she’s ill,
But there’s talk of legislation, on all our medication,
and maybe all we can do is put her on a pain pill.”

Whoa, me! Hey, Congress!

You vote Obamacare,
We’re gonna vote you outta there!
We the People have awakened to your tricks.
You vote to let this pass,
You’ll be out on your ____!
‘Cause we the people have awakened…

And to put it in words you might understand, if you had the common sense that God gave a billy goat, you’d no doubt noticed that your constituents, the electorate – that’s us, voters – are onto your pork-barrel-special-interest-tax-and-spend-scam. Or, to put it more succinctly, “Heh, heh, heh, Pfffffffffffffffffffft!”

We’ve heard from Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh,
What you’ve got in mind for Grandma,
And we found this O’Reilly fella on Fox.
We’re kinda like Joe the Plumber,
And when we crunch the numbers,
It all adds up to votin’ you out at the ballot box!

Heh heh heh heh…

You vote Obamacare,
We’re gonna vote you outta there!
We the People have awakened to your tricks.
You vote to let this pass,
You’ll be out on your ____!
‘Cause we the people have awakened…

Ray Stevens makes fun of Obamacare in the video for We the People

And to put it mildly, we’re harboring feelings of extreme alienation, due to copious amounts of horse manure that have been shoveled out of the White House AND the Capitol Building, and we sense that we are being royally defecated upon. (Ha ha!) Yeah, we’re gettin’ the impression that you think we are not relevant to these proceedings, and dismissing our input into the situation.

Please tell Nancy Pelosi,
We’re gonna do the Hokey Pokey,
Put the “right” ones in,
Pull the “left” ones out.

You vote Obamacare,
We’re gonna vote you outta there!
We the People have awakened to your tricks.
You vote to let this pass,
You’ll be out on your ____!
Yeah, we the people have awakened…

And you might want to start looking for another line of work. How ’bout the medical profession? Ha ha. Yeah, they’re gonna need every one that can put up with the red tape and the pay cut. Hey, why don’t you kill every last job, tax every last penny, and infringe on every God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?! ‘Cause let me tell you, ain’t NOBODY happy with you!

We the People have awakened…

And it occurs to me that you might really like it down in Venezuela!

So there’s “Gitarzan,” “The Streak,” “”Mississippi Squirrel Revival” and now “We the People.” Wow – kudos to Ray Stevens! How in the world did he manage to pull off being relevant again?!?

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