VIDEOS Teen Mom S3 E7 After Show and bonus footage

Catelynn and Tyler S3 E7

Is it Wednesday already again? I guess it is and that means it’s time for our weekly break down of the Teen Mom After Show and bonus footage. After each episode Catelynn, Farrah and Maci (Amber is absent attending rehab) sit down with host SuChin Pak as well as a small studio audience of young mothers and discuss the issues that surfaced in the most recent episode and how they relate to current affairs.

As always we begin with the full clip of the After Show:


She didn’t feel like Tyler was moving on without her since he began college before she did. They had the goal to graduate and go to college and they were very satisfied to do just that. They really wanted Carly there to see them graduate because their decision to adopt was the reason they were able to accomplish their goal. They had a deep sense of wanting their child to know and be proud of who they are and that she was their motivation when times got difficult.


They discuss the emotional first time that Farrah, Sophia and her mother visited Derek Underwood’s grave. She says she wasn’t ready to cope with the fact he was gone and that she felt like she was saying goodbye all over again. They bring to light the fact that Sophia really has a special way in which she understands that serious situations are happening around her. Farrah hopes that she will not only be a good mother but that she and Sophia will develop a lasting friendship as she grows. She adds that Sophia is the glue that helps her and her mother develop their relationship because they both care for her so much. Farrah’s mom was happy and surprised that she was asked to come along for the emotional visit.


SuChin says it’s hard to watch and Maci confirms that she did not know that Ryan had consulted a lawyer. Maci said she felt a little sorry for Ryan’s attorney because he was fed only a part of the story and that he’s bound to lose. She says he doesn’t make very wise decisions sometimes. Maci states that she doesn’t trust Ryan at all and that it didn’t surprise her that he did it. The idea of a lawsuit doesn’t scare her. Maci thinks Ryan seeks custody to make himself feel better and it’s the influence of his parents. She states that he would have been gone a long time ago if it weren’t for his parents’ role in his life.

In this week’s bonus footage we see Catelynn and Tyler discussing Tyler’s lack of a relationship with his dad. Tyler opens up about what he calls the most “haunting” moment in his life when the cops came and took his dad away. They tackled his dad in front of him and Tyler chased after the car.

I’m fortunate enough to have a father present in my life, the more I discover about Tyler’s raising the more impressed I am with his fortitude and willingness to take life head on.

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