VIDEOS Teen Mom S3 E10 After Show and bonus footage

Catelynn Lowell bonus footage Episode 10 Season 3 Teen Mom

It’s Wednesday, Wenesday catchin’ up with Teen Mom on Wednesday. Fun, fun, fun, fun… That’s right, it’s time once again for our weekly break down of the Teen Mom After Show and bonus footage. See Farrah, Maci and Catelynn react to last night’s episode and add insight into how the issues brought up pertain to their current affairs.

First up is the After Show in its entirety:


Catelynn talked about how upset she got over the idea that Tyler wanted to head to the club and she blamed it on her own insecurities and the fact that just about everyone in her life that she cared for has abandoned her. She’s got issues with the fact that she isn’t Tyler’s type, which would be petite, long-haired, dark and tan. Catelynn stated that Tyler explained that the fact that she wasn’t his type and that he just fell in love with her only solidifies his feelings about her.

Maci adds that she isn’t Kyle’s type and that she got extensions in her hair for him. Maci realized that she had to take them out because Kyle and herself needed to be okay with who she is appearance wise.

Catelynn talks about her body changes following her pregnancy and how the weight gain made her insecure. Pak tells her those feeling never go away and Catelynn says, ‘Oh believe me they would go away if I got back to 115lbs!”


Farrah decides on Florida and it’s obvious that she loves the proposition of heading to the sunshine state. She was very excited about the possibility and it was a far cry from the Arizona trip debacle. Farrah talks about her mom’s outspoken desire to have Sophia near her home and that was extremely frustrating for her. She knew in her heart that leaving Sophia behind was not an answer. The audience discusses the desire to just get a break sometimes and Maci chimes in that it often gets so boring but when Ryan leaves with Bentley she immediately misses him.


Maci finally heads back to school. She felt that she wasn’t being herself when she had previously decided not to go. She felt that her self-esteem was restored with this decision. She says that Kyle still needed one surgery following his accident at the time of the taping of the After Show. Maci was having to bathe Kyle and mother him while mothering Bentley as well so her first days back in school were extremely hectic. The young mothers in the audience could relate to how pressed some days become when you’re a teen mom.

For this week’s bonus footage we see Catelynn and Tyler on a car ride discussing Tyler’s feelings about Catelynn, their future together and the need for counseling:

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