VIDEO Teen Mom 2 cast discuss money issues on ‘After Show’

Kailyn, Leah, Chelsea and Jenelle discuss money on the Episode 10 'After Chow'

The two main issues that seem to keep popping up for our girls from Teen Mom 2, after their babies of course, is that of baby-daddys and money.  In our last After Show round-up host SuChin Pak and the girls chatted up the former but in the most recent sit down Kailyn, Leah, Chelsea and Jenelle had their minds on their money and their money on their minds.

Here’s the 8 minute or so clip from MTV that will be followed up with a brief summary of what each Teen Mom had to say about their bank or lack there of:

Kailyn: Kailyn jumps right into the pressure she feels to keep up with the bills.  She said, “It’s tough.  Even though I have two jobs, by the time I get paid all the money is spent.” She goes on to explain that between taking 15 credit hours of classwork and her time taking care of Isaac that she only is able to work 30 hours a week, which doesn’t cover all of her costs.

Kailyn Lowry screen grab

Leah: Of course she and husband Corey have double the financial expenditures with twins.  She explains that they both work and that their family lives paycheck to paycheck but somehow manage.  Leah then explains that her job as a dental assistant was at first just a one day a week get out of the house proposition that turned into a full time job.  She’s asked if she gets help from her and Corey’s family and she answered, “Sometimes we do but not normally.”

Pak asked the other moms what they thought about having not one but two babies when Jenelle chimed in stating that:

“Thank God you have Corey because if you didn’t you would just be by yourself with two babies.”

Leah Messer screengran

Chelsea: As we’ve seen from this first season of Teen Mom 2 Chelsea is in the most stable position financially because of her father.  Chelsea is well aware of her fortunate situation but her good fortune also comes with its own share of guilt.  She said, “I feel guilt because I am so lucky sometimes but I want people to know that I don’t want that forever. I don’t like having to depend on my dad.”

All the other girls chimed in telling Chelsea she shouldn’t feel bad at all and that she should take the help her father offers without guilt and that they all, including Chelsea, struggle with their own situations.

Chelsea Houska screen grab

Jenelle: Pak asked if she thought she would have her son Jace if she had more money.  Without hesitation Jenelle thought that she “definitely would” because she would have her own place and her car would be safer and she’d have money for a lawyer to get custody back from her mom Barbara.  Sadly, Jenelle also stated that even if she got her own apartment and a steady job etc. that her mother would still fight her over custody because as she put it, “No matter how perfect of a life you’re living my mom like always points out the flaws.”

Jenelle Evans screen grab

I’m with host SuChin when she thanked the girls for discussing a topic that usually is taboo and most people are unwilling to open up about.  It’s a reality most of us face when starting out that is only compounded when you’re responsible for the life of a little one too.

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