PHOTO Natalie Portman gets naked for Miss Dior Chérie perfume

Natalie Portman nude for Dior perfume

Natalie Portman was presented as the new face (and body) of Dior to a roomful of journalists at Chelsea Piers’ Pier 59 Wednesday and those in attendance were given a sneak peek at her first ad campaign for the company which will be for their famous Miss Dior Chérie fragrance and will feature Natalie Portman nude in a series of print and television spots beginning in March.

In addition to the sexy and suggestive print ads shot by photographer Tim Walker (example above – click to enlarge), the campaign will also include a TV commercial by Sofia Coppola!

From WWD:

Of her co-star in the TV ads, 29-year-old Portman cracked: “I felt like a big old cougar. He’s, like, 20.” The TV ad also features a shot of a white swan — “It’s subliminal advertising for my film,” quipped Portman, referring to her latest role in “Black Swan.”

I’ve looked at this ad closely – very closely as a matter of fact – and there are a number of things I don’t see, including a white swan. Perhaps the subliminal aspect is reserved for just the TV spots? I’ll keep staring just to make sure…

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