VIDEO Karine Staehle with Pierre, plus alleged Paul Staehle bite mark uploaded June 6

Karine Staehle Pierre Staehle Instagram videos

News broke yesterday that the three-year-old son of 90 Day Fiance couple Paul Staehle and Karine Staehle is reportedly missing. The missing child entry posted by the National Center For Missing And Exploited Children says that Pierre Staehle was last seen on June 8 and was believed to be with his father, Paul Staehle.

Paul later spoke with numerous media outlets and bloggers with conflicting details about what was going on. He assured TMZ and People that it was all a big misunderstanding and he was headed back to Kentucky with Pierre to clear things up. Meanwhile, he told others that Pierre and his younger son Ethan were already in the custody of CPS and in the process of being adopted.

Sarah Howes of RealiTea Squad did a fantastic recap of the conflicting information provided by Paul over the past 36 hours, and I have included that video at the bottom of this post.

Two days before Pierre was reportedly last seen on June 8, four video clips were uploaded to a pro-Karine Instagram page. The videos appear to have been recorded by Karine when she was alone with Pierre and another child. It’s unclear when the videos were recorded, but Pierre is wearing different clothes in the three clips that he appears in.

In the first clip, Karine is recording while talking and walking through a house. “Paul have my car and my house keys and look at what he do,” Karine says as she opens a door in the kitchen. Throughout the clip you can hear a child crying. When Karine opens the door, we see Pierre sitting on a step behind the door in what appears to be a tiny, closet-sized entry room between the kitchen door and the door leading outside.

Pierre is bawling when the door opens. He continues to cry as he stands up and enters the kitchen. The Instagram post with the video was captioned: “Paul is a horrible father.”

The second clip was captioned “Paul bite” and features video of what is assumed to be Karine’s wrist and forearm. There is a distinct bite mark on the arm. The woman filming can be heard sobbing throughout the video.

UPDATE – Paul later admitted that he did bite Karine’s arm. He says that he was driving and Karine “grabbed the steering wheel and at that point I bit her arm.” He says that she was trying to steer the vehicle into oncoming traffic. He then let her out of the car and she walked home. That was the last time Paul has seen Karine in person.

Karine is crying again and looking a bit disheveled in the third video captioned “True Love ❤️.” She looks to be sitting in bed as Pierre is playful and tries to cheer her up. “Thank you. I love you,” Karine tells Pierre through tears. There appears to be another child sitting behind her.

In the last video, Karine is laying in bed and Pierre is singing along to the television while laying with his head on her back. “Pierre sings only for mom 🥰,” the caption reads.

Here are the videos put together. Pierre has been edited out in the kitchen video:

At the time of this post, the National Center For Missing And Exploited Children’s page for Pierre is still active. There have been no reports of Paul and/or Pierre no longer being officially missing.

As mentioned above, Paul has spoken to numerous media outlets and bloggers with widely varying accounts of what is going on. Here is a video recap of most of the things Paul has said via Sarah Howes of RealiTea Squad:

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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