VIDEO Houston teacher Sheri Lynn Davis beats up 13-year-old student

In a shocking display of classroom violence, science teacher Sheri Lynn Davis from Houston is caught on video physically beating one of her students, 13-year-old Isaiah Reagins.  The Harris County teacher has been fired from her position (I certainly hope so) according to officials at Jamie’s House Charter School where this horrible incident took place.

Davis had been a teacher at the school and had no formal complaints against her according to The Chron a Houston and Texas news agency.  A spokeswoman for the charter school, Sue Davis, stated that the “kids loved her (Sherri Lynn Davis). Sue Davis also stated:

“The boy’s mother first reported the incident to school officials earlier this month but did not share the video, which reportedly was taken by a cell phone camera.  The teacher was put on administrative duty on May 5 after the mother’s complaint but was fired after school officials saw the video on Fox Channel 26.“I don’t care what the circumstance was,” Sue Davis said. “There was no excuse for what she did, period.”

Here is the video clip that is believed to have been shot on a student’s cell phone.  Please be aware that some of the scenes in this clip are very disturbing:

As of this post The Harris County Sheriff’s Office Crimes Against Children unit has taken an initial report and it looks like they plan to do their own investigation.  I hope the school and that teacher have a good lawyer, they are certainly going to need one.

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