VIDEO Here’s an epic high dive fail to represent everyone’s Monday


A young woman recently stepped to the edge of the high dive platform at Idaho’s Lava Hot Springs water park. The resulting disastrous plummet she experienced is a perfect cinematographic summary of how many of us feel about Mondays…

The video of the epic fail of course made its way to YouTube and has since went viral after The Daily Mail shared it. The footage reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield’s legendary Triple Lindy from the 80’s camp classic Back to School except for the whole going impossible wrong thingy.


You can tell she hesitates at the top and tries to grab a rail which precipitates everything else that broke bad afterwords.

While the girl didn’t have any luck on her big plunge execution, she was extremely fortunate in that the only injury she suffered was said to be a “slightly injured finger.”

For our readers who have no idea what I’m talking about with the Dangerfield reference, get yourself educated with this old-school cinematic glory:

HT: Gawker

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