VIDEO Future sister wives on Say Yes To The Dress as show features 1st polygamous trio

Sister Wives Say Yes To The Dress Runmo trio

TLC mashed up two of their most popular reality show concepts earlier tonight when they featured future sister wives on Say Yes To The Dress! What is really unique about this polygamous trio is that their foray into plural marriage was not based on religion, but the result of a medical condition.

“Right after I had my daughter I started having symptoms,” explains first wife Ellen Runmo in the clip below. “I didn’t know at the time — it was obsessive compulsive disorder. One of my main symptoms was I could not deal with touch. That, of course, affects intimacy, and I had recognition of that. I thought that was quite unfair to him. So, I decided to let Peter have, you know, the option to be with someone else.”

Say Yes To The Dress polygamous trio Peter Runmo Ellenn Runmo and fiancee Jennifer

“I never wanted to embarrass Ellen,” husband and fiancé Peter Runmo explains of his wife of more than ten years. “I never wanted people that don’t understand [inaudible] details of our life to know about, um, that I was lonely. This isn’t really religious based as…we were all Catholic. Clearly pretty far from the religion in which we were raised.”

“You have to understand that this is something that I kind of pushed,” says Ellen. “I wanted to be sure that he was OK.”

Here’s the clip:

Anybody else sense a spin-off coming?

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