VIDEO Adam K horror movie trailer starring Farrah Abraham

Farrah Abraham movie Adam K

We announced what was to be Farrah Abraham’s feature-length movie debut way back in July of 2014 as she was set to star as Fannie Rae Baker in the slasher sequel Axeman II: Overkill. Although that movie finished filming almost two years ago, and even released an official trailer, it has still yet to see a release thanks to some issues with the distribution company.

Filmmaker Joston El Rey Theney was so impressed with Farrah’s acting chops, however, that he brought her on board for another film titled Adam K, a scene from which was featured on last week’s episode of Teen Mom OG. “A day in the life of mild-mannered and seemingly good-natured auto insurance claims manager Adam Kraul,” begins the film’s plot summary on IMDB. “He sets out to be a do-gooder and make friends, however ends up with mutilated victims in his wake when his invitations for friendships are rejected.”

Farrah will be playing the role of Karen Simms, and she is the highlight of the movies first trailer! Check it out:

It’s my impression that Farrah was brought on board to film some flashback scenes of the movie’s title character as a young boy. This would jibe with the fact that Adam K was reportedly “in the can” back in 2014. It also jibes with the movie review by Wicked Channel. “As the film opens we watch as Adam witnesses a series of events that no child could come out of with the right state of mind. After this flashback sequence, we see Adam trying to live an ordinary life,” the reviewer states, before revealing that Farrah’s role is part of the flashback. “Farrah Abraham’s appearance is in the opening minutes and I was really hoping for a little more.”

Even if her screen time is limited, that didn’t prevent Farrah from getting top billing on the official Adam K. movie poster:

Farrah Abraham Adam K movie poster

After the review, Writer/Director Joston El Rey Theney spoke with Wicked Channel about the movie (and more) in a lengthy interview. As you might have guessed, the topic of Farrah Abraham came up quite early in the interview and spanned three question and answers. (I should point out that the interviewer doesn’t seem aware that Adam K is actually the second project that Farrah has worked on with Joston.)

You are directing Farrah Abraham in a horror film called Adam K. How did this actually come about? Did Farrah’s people reach out to you? A mutual friend? LA Weekly ad answered?

I wish that I could say I had the kind of clout that would make agents reach out to place their clients in my films, lol, but that’s not the case. Farrah and I became really good friends after working together on a previous film and I’m very appreciative that she enjoyed working with me as much as I did with her. She let me know that whenever I have something else, and her schedule allows for it, she’s there. So, when the role came up for Karen Simms, I immediately thought of her and reached out. She read it and loved it and the twist that she presents in the story, and from there we were off to the races.

I have to ask, when casting started for this film. Was Farrah’s name mentioned early on, or did you hire other talents and she became available? I have to admit, I am speechless. Farrah Abraham in a horror film, it is like thinking of The Olsen Twins in a horror film. These are successful business people, who you would assume would never associate themselves with our genre. (unless they are taking a picture in a throwback t shirt)

Hahaha, I agree. Before I’d reached out to Farrah for a previous film, I didn’t really think I’d have a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting her to be part of one of my projects. She’s widely popular and is trending #1 on most social media platforms at any given moment. For someone like that, it kinda places them out of reach unless you’re a studio picture doing EPIC MOVIE or some such stuff. But realizing nothing beats a try except success, I reached out and, to my surprise, she was open to the idea.

Last Farrah question. How was she on set? Did the cast and crew (in her face, at least) get along with her? Were people open to working with her?

Farrah has an awesome way disarming most people and deflating that blown-up image that MTV Teen Mom and the tabloids promote. She’s bubbly, bright and a consummate professional so the teams from both films have had a great time working with her. And she and I have gotten along professionally as well because she works very much like I do; I love to do tons of homework and studying upfront and by the time I make it to set, the course has already been set and we’re at full sail. She’s the same way. There are very few people who keep me on my toes the way she does. She puts so much thought into her characters and the story that it helps you understand your own work in a different way and helps elevate the performances of others around her.

Adam K. is set for DVD and Blu-Ray release on Halloween October 31 — just click the links to place your pre-order.

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