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VIDEO Barack Obama slow jams the news with Jimmy Fallon

Barack Obama slow jams the news on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

The Preezy of the United Steezy, the Barack-ness Monster, the POTUS himself, President Barack Obama took slow-jamming the news to a whole new level on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.

Starcasm has been on the beat, following the President’s R&B re-election strategy. (CLICK HERE to see the complete Barack Obama “Let’s Stay Together” songbook.) But, as far as we know this is the POTUS’s first foray into the Barry White-esque slow jam. Whatever you think of the man’s politics, you have to give Rock Slowbama his props. The dude’s cool.

So what other presidents would you like to have seen slow jam the news? I think Clinton and Reagan could have pulled it off much like Obama, but for hilarity’s sake, it would have been truly priceless to see George W or Jimmy Carter give it a go!

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