VIDEO 16 and Pregnant Season 4 trailer

16 and Pregnant Season 4

MTV’s groundbreaking docu-series 16 and Pregnant is back with 12 new teenage moms-to-be! Check out this extended preview trailer for the fourth season, set to premiere on March 27 at 10/9c.

UPDATE – Click here for two more 16 and Pregnant Season 4 commercials, including one devoted entirely to Mackenzie Douthit (the blonde cheerleader), leading many to believe her episode will be the first.

We will be adding a “sleuthing” post with still images of all the girls from the trailer with names of those that we know so stay tuned!

UPDATE – And here it is! Click the link to see photos of all twelve girls with what little info we already know about them. If you know any additional info, feel free to leave a comment on the post and we will update with what we can verify!

And here’s the full official press release from MTV, which also reveals they will be airing a Teen Mom 3 with an entirely new cast probably to be comprised of girls from Season 4 of 16 and Pregnant!

Network Greenlights New Installment in the “Teen Mom” Franchise: “Teen Mom 3”

MTV’s hit docu-series “16 and Pregnant” will return on Tuesday, March 27 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT, with 12 episodes featuring new girls, new stories, and new struggles. The series continues to give viewers an authentic, honest, and intimate look inside the lives of teens as they face unexpected pregnancies and become parents at a young age. “16 and Pregnant” kicks off the season with two back-to-back episodes. Additionally, the network greenlit “Teen Mom 3,” a new series that will document the challenges of four new teens who are struggling to navigate parenthood. Details on “Teen Mom 3” will be announced at a later time.

This season on “16 & Pregnant,” viewers will watch these young moms face the dramatic ups and downs of being a teen parent. In one story, a pregnant teen will determine if adoption is the right choice for her, because she fears her boyfriend will continue to be unreliable. Another young woman will cope with her decision to keep her baby while her sister deals with the fact that she chose not to continue her pregnancy. Viewers will also meet a girl whose dream of going to college is suddenly halted after she becomes a teen mom, and another young woman who fights to raise her baby while dealing with a drug addicted parent and another young girl struggles with her mother’s disapproval of her relationship with her baby’s father. Each girl’s journey is unique, but they’re all dealing with the dramatic challenges that make being a teen mom so difficult. Through the tears, joys, and fears, they’re all doing their best to make their lives and that of their children the best possible.

According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, more than 700,000 teenage girls in the U.S. become pregnant each year and one out of every ten children in the U.S. is born to a teenage mother. The vast majority of these pregnancies are unintended. “16 and Pregnant” has been cited by experts as having an impact on the recent decline of teen birth rate, and a study in 2010 by the National Campaign found that 82% of teens who have watched the series think the show helps teens better understand the challenges of teen pregnancy and parenthood and how to avoid it. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) recently announced that the U.S. teen birth rate declined 9 percent in 2010 and is now at the lowest level ever reported. Experts from the National Campaign cite the “Teen Mom” franchise as one of the key factors contributing to this steep decline.

More information about sexual health issues affecting young people, including unintended pregnancy, is available at, a public information resource developed by MTV and the Kaiser Family Foundation. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy is working with the show to provide additional information.

Since its launch in 2009, “16 and Pregnant” has captivated millions of viewers with its honest depiction of the lives of pregnant teens. The most recent season, Season 3, averaged 2 million viewers per episode, a +17% increase from the first season. In 2011, “16 and Pregnant” ranked #1 in its time period among P12-34 and W12-34 across all of cable. Season 2 delivered nearly 27 million streams and averaged 349K weekly unique visitors, dominating shows within their time period. Additionally, season 3 of “16 and Pregnant” delivered more than 32 million streams, +15% more than the prior cycle of the series. Averaging 330K visitors to the show each week, it consistently performs as one of’s highest trafficked show season after season.

This season of “16 and Pregnant” will also air internationally on MTV channels around the world starting in Summer 2012.

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