The Bachelor’s Rozlyn Papa has an arrest record!

Rozlyn Ppa is at the center of the alleged sex scandal with a producer on the show

Season 14 of The Bachelor has given bloggers a lightning rod of controversy in the form of 28-year-old Rozlyn Papa of Richmond, Virginia. Not only is she at the center of a highly publicized “sex scandal” involving a producer on the show, but now Radar Online has uncovered her previous brushes with the law!

According to the site, Rozlyn Papa was arrested twice for petty theft in 1999. Her first arrest was on September 5, 1999 and she was found guilty and sentenced to 2 months and 2 days in jail. But, she appealed and the misdemeanor charges were dismissed and Rozlyn was able to avoid actually spending any time behind bars.

Rozlyn’s sticky fingers were at it again in December of 1999 when she was arrested again for petty theft. This time the blond hottie got a suspended sentence of 12 months and 12 days. Oh but wait – that was also dismissed on appeal.

A sexy Rozlyn Papa riding a sexy custom motorcycle
Rozlyn caught in the act of grand theft motorcycle?

Is there anyone else suspicious here? I’m not suggesting that Rozlyn actually DID anything, but being one of the 92% of Americans that aren’t really hot and sexy females I’m always paranoid that they get a few more breaks than the rest of us. Maybe it’s just sour grapes? I don’t know. Let’s jsut say it’s a good thing I’m not a judge 🙂 (“Your honor I’d like to introduce into evidence exhibits T and A.”)

In further support of my hot chick conspiracy theory, Radar says Rozlyn was also able to dodge two traffic violations: driving without registration in 2003 and driving without a license in 2007. Those charges were dismissed as well.

One bullet she apparently wasn’t able to dodge was a charge of underage alcohol possession in June of 1999. She was found guilty of that and apparently charges weren’t eventually dismissed. (Danged women judges!)

CLICK HERE to download a PDF document of Rozlyn’s divorce from former husband Brian Scott Levitin. The couple was married on May 18, 2002 and divorced on November 8, 2007. The couple’s son Ayden Scott was born December 16, 2002.

Rozlyn Papa poses with a dude in a mankini
Jake Pavelka should have known the key to Rozlyn’s heart is… The mankini!

On a side note – was anyone else overwhelmed by the absurdity of last night’s episode? Everyone was SOOOO condescending and judgmental of Rozlyn for what sounds like nothing more than flirting with a producer on the show. Words like “betrayal” and “disgusting” were getting tossed about and there were lots of anguished tears. Are you kidding?!? Jake is smooching and getting romantic with 25 DIFFERENT WOMEN at the SAME TIME! I’m guessing Rozlyn didn’t do anything worse with this producer than Jake has already done with a number of the women on the show.

I’m not naive enough to get upset at the concept of the show, but all the drama and d**nations seemed irrationally ridiculous. Jake actually looked heartbroken because one of his 25 women was flirting with another guy?!? Silly, silly, silly.

Rozlyn Papa out with a friend
Rozlyn Papa and The Bachelor producer do lunch. Nah, just kidding.

CLICK HERE to read all about what actually happened with the alleged sex scandal between Rozlyn Papa and the producer.

CLICK HERE to find out more about Vienna Girardi’s brief marriage mistake.

SPOILER ALERTCLICK HERE to read background info about and pictures of the winner of The Bachelor Season 14 according to the historically reliable Reality Steve.

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