The Bachelor’s Chantal O’Brien high school prom photo with singer Nic Newsham

The Bachelor's Chantal O'Brien prom photo with Nic Newsham from 2000

It seems that The Bachelor contestant Chantal O’Brien has a thing for talented lead singers from Seattle! Prior to her marriage to Jason Vena of the band Acceptance, Chantal went to prom with Nic Newsham, lead singer for Gatsby’s American Dream!

Or at least that’s the claim of the person who sent us the above photo, allegedly of Chantal and Nic at the Bellevue Christian High School 2000 senior prom. (Perhaps a little bit of foreshadowing there in the bottom of the picture – is that a single red rose I see?)

I dunno Brad – unless you whip out a guitar or at least a microphone I think your chances with Chantal are slim at best! And she doesn’t seem to go for the country type so you’re going to need to leave your Texas roots behind and get a little of that Seattle edge!

Want to know more about the lovely Chantal O’Brien? Be sure to see our Bachelor File profile post on her with more details about her relationship with Jason Vena as well as her family and current occupation!

If you have any other fun photos of Chantal or even some fun stories feel free to contact us at starcasmtips (at)!

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