Teen Mom brawl ‘victim’ Britany Truett interview: files charges against Jenelle

Britany Truett arrest photo for her involvement in the Teen Mom Jenelle Evans fight

Time for your hourly Jenelltdown 2011 update! 19-year-old Britany Truett (The girl on the receiving end of Jenelle Evans’ vicious beat-down) and reported baby daddy Stephen Byrd visited attorney Adrian Iapalucci in Boiling Springs, North Carolina earlier today, and afterward the two stopped to give a short interview with a reporter.

Stephen did most of the talking as the same British reporter who interviewed Brittany (with two t’s) Maggard (the girl who pushed Jenelle and has confessed to instigating the whole thing) asked questions about the pending lawsuit:

Reporter (Q): Hi Britany. Hi Steve.

Stephen: Hey.

Q: How did it go with the lawyer today?

Stephen: It went fairly well. We’re not really allowed to disclose anything that was spoke about today. Needless to say this will be taken care of, and I can tell you more when it’s available to us.

Q: Can you tell us if you’ve filed any kind of lawsuit today?

Stephen: There will be legal actions taken. As to what, our attorney has advised us not to disclose public information.

Q: Can you tell us who the legal action is going to be taken against?

Stephen: It will be against Jenelle Evans and Brittany Maggard.

Q: How are you feeling today Britany?

Britany: A little bit better now that I talked to the lawyer and everything, but still shooken up about the whole thing.

Q: What’s the next step in this going to be?

Stephen: The next step is, uh…

Britany: Court.

Stephen: …keep our heads on straight and take it to court and let the justice system handle it.

Q: How are you going to plead to the charge of affray Britany? Can you tell us if you’re going to plead guilty or not guilty?

Stephen: As far as the charge goes it should be thrown out and dropped. Whether or not that happens we’ll have to wait and find out.

Q: Are you expecting that to happen?

Steve and Britany: Yes.

Q: Alright. Take care guys. Thank you.

Steve and Britany: Thank you.

(You can watch the full interview video at TMZ.)

Mug Shot: Splashnews.com

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