Teen Mom 3’s Alex Sekella’s ex Matt McCann in ICU after walking off a cliff

Teen Mom 3 Alex Sekella's ex Matthew McCann

Future Teen Mom 3 star Alex Sekella shared some startling news with her Twitter fans just a moment ago by tweeting that her daughter Arabella’s father Matthew McCann had been involved in an accident and is currently in the Intensive Care Unit. Alex tweeted, “Matt was involved in a horrible accident [he] is in ICU please keep him in your prayers” which led everyone to believe he had been involved in a car accident, but we talked with Alex who tells us that he actually fell off a cliff while partying with friends.

“All I know is he was partying with friends and he walked off a cliff and fell 20 feet,” Alex tells us. Details about the accident are still sketchy, and most all of what Alex knows is from a 1am phone call from Matt’s mother. As far as Matt’s condition, she tells us “He’s in ICU. He can’t move.”

When asked if her daughter Arabella was involved in the incident, Alex tweeted, “of course not she’s not allowed anywhere near him.”

You might remember from Alex’s episode of 16 and Pregnant that Matt has quite the history of substance abuse, and judging from some of her recent tweets, he’s still struggling with it.

Here’s a screen shot of Matt and Alex from her episode:

Teen Mom 3 Alexandria Sekella and baby daddy Matthew McCann

Meanwhile, Alex’s Teen Mom 3 cast mate Katie Yeager offered up her sympathies by tweeting, “@OfficialSekella let me know if we can do anything for you and belly.” To which Alex responded by tweeting, “@Katiebyeager thanks I miss you guys.”

UPDATE – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup has more details about the accident. It reportedly took place at “a Pennsylvania party spot known as ‘The Knob.'” Matt “broke his neck and several bones in his spine as a result of the fall.” Also, while reportedly trying to get help for Matt, his friends were involved in a car accident! “It was a drinking and driving sort of thing,” Alex told The Ashley. “They claim they were getting help and hit a tree.”

UPDATE – We have some more information now from local reporter Kathy Lauer-Williams blogging for The Morning Call. The “cliff” Matt fell from is called Bake Oven Knob, an elevated outcropping of rocks that is a popular destination on the Appalachian trail due to the amazing view. And, judging from the graffiti in this next photo, it is also a popular destination for rabble rousers:

Bake Oven Knob

Kathy spoke with a spokesperson from Lehigh Valley Hospital at Salisbury Township who said Matt was in stable condition Tuesday. Meanwhile, a fan asked Alex moments ago how Matt was doing and her response was, “Well enough to yell at me.”

Here is another shot of Bake Oven Knob, a location that is apparently rumored to be haunted:

Bake Oven Knob along the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania

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