TEEN MOM 3 Alex Sekella Peters gives birth to baby girl

Teen Mom 3 Alexandria Sekella Peters gives birth to second child, daughter Althea

We have even more great news to share from Teen Mom 3 star Alexandria Sekella! A little more than a week after she revealed that her husband, Tim Peters, had officially adopted her daughter Arabella, Alex has given birth to her second child!

Alex made the announcement with a gallery of images posted on Instagram moments ago. “I would like to introduce ALTHEA MEREDITH PETERS,” she captioned the gallery.

The announcement was actually a day after the birth. Alex adds in the caption that Althea was born on Sunday, January 30 at 5:12AM. She weighed 7.2 pounds and measured 18.5 inches at birth.

Here’s the full gallery:

UPDATE – Here’s a beautiful black-and-white photo of the siblings:

The child is the second for Alex, joining her 10-year-old daughter Arabella. As stated above, Alex announced last week that her husband Tim officially adopted Arabella after a “VERY VERY LONG process.”

As fans of Teen Mom 3 are likely aware, Alex and Arabella’s father, Matt McCann, broke up due largely to his ongoing drug addiction issues. (You can click our post about Arabella’s adoption to get a recent update on Matt. If you’re interested to know more about his story since filming for Teen Mom 3, you can scroll back through our Alexandria Sekella category.)

Alex and Tim started dating roughly around 2015, and they got married in April of 2020.

With the arrival of Althea, that leaves only Farrah Abraham as the only OG mom from the original three Teen Mom shows (Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom 3) not to have another child. There are multiple moms from Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant with just one child. I have no idea about Teen Mom: Young Moms Club.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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