Taylor Armstrong writes tell-all, Hiding from Reality, about her personal experience with domestic abuse

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong is writing a tell-all book called Hiding from Reality about the domestic abuse she suffered at the hands of her late husband Russell Armstrong (who committed suicide this August) and another abusive relationship with an ex-boyfriend, RadarOnline reports.

Click here to pre-order Hiding From Reality: My Story of Love, Loss, and Finding the Courage Within

After Taylor and Russell separated earlier this year Taylor revealed that Russell had been physically abusive. Russell, who was also struggling financially, committed suicide this August, and soon after Taylor released shocking photos of her face allegedly battered at the hands of Russell.

Bravo reedited episodes of RHBH after Russell committed suicide (he died just a few weeks before the second season’s premiere) to include less of his storyline. However, the past few episodes have dealt with the alleged abuse Taylor suffered at the hands of Russell. Taylor had been telling her cast mates privately about being abused by Russell, leaving them bewildered when she didn’t leave him. Finally, Camille Grammer confronted Taylor about the abuse on camera. There is also footage of Taylor and Russell in therapy. At one point Russell tells the therapist that it’s hard for him to confront the problems in their relationship. The therapist prompting him with “like when you get angry,” and he begrudgingly said “Yes, like when I get angry and we fight.”

Along with Taylor’s account of her personal life, the book with no doubt also include advice and resources for others in similar situations. Taylor recently appeared on Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live looking healthy and much more comfortable than she’s ever appeared to be publicly.

She Simon and Schuster book is due out February 2012.

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