Tamra Judge got bangs to make daughter Sophia feel better about disappointing haircut
Being a mother sometimes requires some pretty big sacrifices, something The Real Housewives of Orange County‘s Tamra Judge learned back in January. At the time, Tamra made a few headlines after posting some photos of a new haircut. “I think I love my new bangs,” she captioned the collage below before adding, “Needs a change. #itsonlyhair”
Apparently Tamra has been hounded by questions ever since, with people wanting to know why she decided to trim her long blonde locks. Today Tamra revealed that she did it to show solidarity for her 8-year-old daughter Sophia, who had recently gotten bangs herself and was seriously unhappy with her new look.
Tamra posted the above side-by-side photos on Facebook and wrote, “For those of you that haves asked “why did you Cut bangs”. This is why…Sophia had her bangs cut and didn’t like them so I told her I would cut my bangs and we could grow them out together. #twinkies #lovemygirl #bangs #allgrownout #itsjusthair”
I’m just glad Sophia didn’t break her arm, or get a bad tattoo! Actually, Tamra’s motherly sacrifice has me looking back on my own childhood and wondering where my parental solidarity was when 7-year-old me had to have all that gum cut out of my hair.