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Big Brother’s Brendon Skypes his privates, loses Rachel’s love

What could arguably be the most irritating reality couple this side of Speidi, Big Brother 12’s Brendon Villegas and Rachel Reilly are now on the outs following the outing of Brendon’s peen via a Skype hook-up with some random chick.

See Brendon’s desperate “I’m sorry” YouTube plea to Rachel, Rachel’s Twitter attempt to get the inside Skype scoop and why I believe this is all a desperate attempt to remain relevant by the arrested development couple.

Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel vs. Kristen, POV comp winner and final two on the block

Andrew’s already legendary last minute plea outing Hayden and Kristen’s showmance and the subsequent Rachel HOH victory and Rachel vs. Kristen bombshell throw-down ramped up the drama for the week in the Big Brother house. So what has been going down in the cat fight? Who has won the POV and did they use it to remove either Hayden or the g-string queen Kristen from the block? Read on to discover the spoilers as they stand going into tonight’s broadcast.

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Do Big Brother’s Rachel Reilly and Natalie Martinez suffer from Voice Immodulation Syndrome?

I believe I have discovered a link between Big Brother 12 contestant Rachel Reilly, Big Brother 11 runner-up Natalie Martinez and Will Ferrell as Jacob Silj. I am no doctor but It is my opinion that all three suffer from Voice Immodulation Syndrome! Learn about V.I.S., see a classic SNL skit featuring Ferrell as Jacob Silj and hot tub slash officer costume video evidence to support my theory.