Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Rachel vs. Kristen, POV comp winner and final two on the block

Andrew’s already legendary last minute plea outing Hayden and Kristen’s showmance and the subsequent Rachel HOH victory and Rachel vs. Kristen bombshell throw-down ramped up the drama for the week in the Big Brother house.  So what has been going down in the cat fight?  Who has won the POV and did they use it to remove either Brendon or the g-string queen Kristen from the block?  Lets dive into the spoilers as they stand going into tonight’s broadcast.

Rachel vs Kristen:

I’m kind of with Meow Meow when he suggested that the two angry ladies settle their differences with a little mud wrestling but instead they’ve stuck to the regular BB M.O. of absolutely flapping their yappers off about each other to anyone who will listen.  Rachel wants Kristen out and Kristen would like to cause the sufferer of Voice Immodulation Syndrome bodily harm.  The problem for Kristen is that she’s on the block and Rachel has the power.

POV Competition Winner:

Kristen was on an island and had to win this one to save her own beautiful backside.  Unfortunately for the Philadelphia philly Britney took the POV comp in one of the switch and trade prize comps during which the big surprise was that Hayden took POV from Kristen who temporarily had it.  Hayden was then trumped by Britney who ultimately wound up with the golden ticket.

Britney elected not to use the Power of Veto.

The Two Up On The Block: A Showmance Divided

With Britney opting out of using the POV this has left Hayden and Kristen up for eviction.  Things now look terrible for Kristen as Hayden has the support of the Brigade and Brachel who are together in their desire to jettison Kristen.  It’s going to take a miracle or BB finding some way to reintroduce Kristen in the house to keep her around this year. 

I wish Kristen could have kept her pride in check but alas it looks like her days in the Big Brother house are numbered.

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