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Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels overcame depression, obesity

You wouldn’t know it from watching the svelte and boisterous Jillian Michaels whipping people into shape on the immensely popular Biggest Loser reality show, but this 36-year-old trainer from hell was once an overweight and troubled teenager.

Jillian opens up about her past in the July issue of Redbook (on stands June 22) in which she talks about her troubled childhood that included anger issues, being kicked out of her house and ballooning to 175 pounds. Keep reading find out what it was that turned Jillian’s life around and set her on the path to becoming one of the world’s toughest personal trainers!

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Biggest Loser trainer Jillian Michaels sued for Calorie Control magic pills

The self-proclaimed greatest weight loss trainer in the universe Jillian Michaels has been named in a class action suit that alleges her weight loss supplement Jillian Michaels Maximum Strength Calorie Control uses false advertising when it claims “Two Capsules Before Main Meals And You Lose Weight… That’s It!” The Biggest Loser trainer has always been very vocal about hard work being necessary in any weight loss plan, so it comes as sort of a surprise that she would put her name on an “easy solution” dietary product.

Read the plaintiff’s claims and other details from the suit!