STUDY Men who aspire to become parents outnumber women

Men Who Want to be Fathers

As a society, we are generally led to believe all women crave motherhood while men begrudgingly go along as essential XY partners. Now, a new study from the Associated Press and We TV is proving that’s a misconception. In fact, more men look forward to parenting than women.

The study was conducted last month by polling more than 1,000 men and women between the ages of 18-49. Responding to the question about whether he/she would like to be a parent someday or whether he/she is already a parent, more than 80 percent of men responded “yes.” A slightly smaller percentage of women answered the same question with an affirmative answer.

While more men than women aspired to becoming a parent, the study concluded that more women actually looked forward to the parenting aspect: 22 percent of non-mothers look forward to caring for and raising children. In contrast, only two percent of men look forward to the same. Meanwhile, 14 percent of men stated one of their main motivations for becoming fathers is that they will be able to carry on the family tradition.

Before having children, equal numbers of men and women reported wanting to find the right partner. Both sexes also said they want to be at good, presumably secure places in their careers.

The majority of fathers confirmed they are truthful when saying their children made them better: Dads were more likely than moms to say becoming a parent has improved their love life and career. And men were just as likely as women to say parenting has benefited their overall levels of happiness, senses of accomplishment and feelings of purpose.

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