Real Housewives of Atlanta’s Marlo Hampton mug shot photos and arrest records

RHOA Marlo Hampton arrests and mugshots

35-year-old Marlo Hampton hasn’t even been officially announced as the newest cast member of The Real Housewives of Atlanta yet and she’s already grabbing headlines! It’s hard to compete with Kim Zolciak giving birth, but having an extensive criminal record that includes seven mug shots in less than five years certainly comes close!

Before we get into Marlo mug shot mania, let me talk a little bit about her surprise addition to the real peaches of the ATL. Straight From the A broke the story on May 23rd, reporting that Marlo was “spotted at IIDA Georgia Chapter’s ‘Dressed in the Garden of Eden’ event at Piedmont park a few weeks ago with cameras in tow.”

Marlo was with her fiance, NFL player Charles Grant, who made RHOA headlines when rumors spread that he was hooking up with NeNe Leakes thanks in part to a phone call from Kim Zolciak to Watch What Happens: Live with NeNe as a guest.

Marlo Hampton's fiance Charles Grant of the NFL
^ Marlo Hampton’s fiance Charles Grant at the New Orleans Saints’ 2008 Bayou Bling Charity Weekend Celebrity Basketball Charity Game held at the Lynwood Recreation Center in Atlanta on June 21, 2008. (Photo: Splash News)

Kim says early on in the conversation, “I don’t cheat on my man like you do.” Then, if you fast forward to the 3:00 (remaining) mark, and if you can tune out NeNe’s patented repetitive hollering, you can hear Kim say: “You want to talk about personal life? How about I call up Charles [bleep] [inaudible] cheating on Greg in January?” So, in essence, Bravo is adding the fiancee of NeNe Leakes’ rumored extra-marital hook up to the cast! THAT should provide some serious fireworks!

Marlo Hampton Arrests

And speaking of fireworks, I’m sure there will be more of those when the topic of Marlo Hampton’s criminal past comes up! Between 1999 and 2003 Marlo was booked seven times in Hillsborough County, Florida (Tampa) for crimes ranging from aggravated battery to bouncing a check. To be fair to Marlo, it appears that all of her appearances in front of the booking camera stem from an aggravated battery arrest in 1999 and subsequent incidents surrounding that arrest, including parole violations.

UPDATE – Marlo also had multiple run-ins with the law in nearby Pinellas County, Florida. She was charged with felony battery on a police officer and misdemeanor battery in August of 1998. She also had a domestic violence dispute with a man in 1995 that did not appear to result in charges. Here is the 1998 police report narrative from the incident that resulted in Marlo being charged with battery of a law enforcement officer:

While officer (Affiant) was speaking with complainant, [Marlo] walked into residence and began to argue with her. [Marlo] then spit on complainant and threw a glass Gatorade bottle at her. Both [Marlo] and complainant began to get into a physical confrontation. Affiant ordered both of them to separate. Both refused my commands, [Marlo] began to swing at Affiant with her legs and arms striking Affiant.

Marlo addressed the arrests and her disappointment that they are her first headline in a brief statement to Bossip:

“Let me first state that I am not ashamed of my past as that has helped me become a better woman today,” Marlo told BOSSIP in a statement. “We all have a past and my hard-knock childhood in and out of the Foster Care system is a reflection on a bigger issue we are faced with here in America, a broken Foster Care system. My present charge in life is to live with God in my heart and help young women especially from the foster care system avoid the challenges I faced. I’m more then just what is being said of me and I have a story to tell.”

I’m sure Bravo will give Marlo the opportunity to address her past with one of their one-on-one dinner or drinks scenes with another of the ladies in the cast. Until then, all we have are the pictures and the arrest records! So, here are all of the (known) Marlo Hampton mug shot photos in chronological order with the charges for each booking:

RHOA's Marlo Hampton mug shot photo from her May, 1999 arrest for aggravated battery


May 26, 1999 arrest for Aggravated Battery / Great bodily harm with a weapon, which is a first degree felony. Marlo was 23 years old and living in St. Petersberg at the time of her arrest. She was released later the same day on $5,000 bond. Her lawyer is listed as John Trivena. And since this is the first booking photo, I will use this entry to say that Marlo’s full name is Marlo Patrice Hampton and her birthday is February 7, 1976.

We have new information that this incident involved slashing a woman’s face, and that the victim committed suicide 6 years after the incidence, leaving behind a young son.

AReal Housewives of Atlanta's Marlo Hampton's mug shot photo from 1999


September 28, 1999 sentencing for her Aggravated Battery / Great bodily harm felony conviction. It appears as though the deadly weapon portion of the charges were dropped, which means Marlo’s conviction was for a second-degree felony instead of the first-degree felony she was initially charged with. Online records show Marlo was released on January 28, 2000.

Marlo Hampton of The Real housewives of Atlanta June, 2000 booking photo


June 19, 2000 Marlo is picked up for a parole violation stemming from her aggravated battery conviction. The online records do not list what the specific violation was, but it does say she was released on October 8, 2000 for time served.

Marlo Hampton mug shot photo from 2001 parole violation


February 14, 2001 On Valentine’s Day in 2001 Marlo violated her parole once again. She was released six days later.

Marlo Hampton's mug shot photo from her 2002 arrest for a bad check


September 9, 2002
Marlo is arrested for “Obtaining Property or Services in Return for Worthless Checks, Drafts, or Debit Card Orders (under $150),” which is a misdemeanor charge. She was released on bond the following day.

2002 mug shot photo of The Real hosuewives of Atlanta's Marlo Hampton


December 4, 2002 Marlo is picked up and charged with possession of a firearm, which is of course against the law for a convicted felon. She was released after nine days.

Booking photo for Marlo Hampton after she violated her parole on July 28, 2003


July 28, 2003 Another parole violation lands Marlo back in jail. Once again, there are no details available about the specific violation, but it says she was released 30 days later on August 27, 2003.

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