Rachel McAdams took marijuana to help her sleep, but ended up hallucinating

Rachel McAdams on Jimmy Kimmel

Rachel McAdams learned the hard way that a grocer is not the same as a pharmacist.

The star of The Notebook told Jimmy Kimmel she was complaining to her grocery store attendant about being unable to fall asleep.

“He said ‘I’ve got something for you.’ So he takes me to the back and he pulls out this little bottle with no label and it’s full of this dark green substance,” McAdams recalled. “And he lifts it and says take a whiff of that… And it’s marijuana.”

At first, McAdams said she was resistant: She didn’t want to get high, she just wanted to sleep. However, the Canadian actress was so desperate for some shuteye, she took the sketchy substance.

“I take the tiniest little teaspoon, brush my teeth, by the time I’m getting into bed I’m like, my brain, what’s happening? I wasn’t thinking normal thoughts,” she explained.

Not only was she unable to fall asleep, but she also suffered through hallucinations of a guy singing opera for five hours.

Shortly after the incident, McAdams returned to the grocery store to complain.

“I really looked at him and his eyes were like this big. I was like ‘You’re a stoner,'” she said.

Rachel McAdams Describes Taking Marijuana

The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, may result in hallucinations. However, the liquid McAdams took likely included some other chemicals. Without any real regulation, the purity of a pot potion depends entirely on who’s dealing.

Next time, McAdams is probably better off with some Lunesta.

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