
Punk rock spaghetti sauce? Marky Ramone’s Brooklyn’s Own Pasta Sauce

Marky Ramone has a pasta sauce

Twenty-twenty-twenty four minutes to boil
I wanna be marinated!
Pa-pa-pasta pa-pa-pasta!

Tired of your lame, mass-produced, adult-contemporary pasta sauces? Then add some punk to your pasta with Marky Ramone’s Brooklyn’s Own Pasta Sauce, brought to you by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame drummer for the most boiled-down punk band of all time, The Ramones!

That’s right, you can now make up a batch of Fettuccine Is a Punk Rocker or even a big bowl of Blitzkrieg Pappardelle with Marky’s own special sauce inspired by his chef grandfather and perfected through years of tinkering.

Marky talks about the sauce in an interview with Mapanare.us:

You see, I made it with my grandpa; he was a chef at 21 Club. I watched him as a little boy, and then when I got older, I lived alone at 18, and so pasta sauce and spaghetti was the cheapest thing around,” says Ramone. “I got really good at making it, and so I am excited I get to share my recipe with others. And I got to do the artwork on bottle, and it’s really cool looking. Soon it will be sold in stores; right now you can only get it online and in restaurants.

Marky addresses the inevitable detractors who don’t consider the notion of a punk rock legend selling pasta sauce to be very palatable:

People I knew were like, ‘are you kidding me, you’re a DJ not a chef!’ And so I said, ‘why not?’” says Marky. “It always thrilled me to see him, my grandpa, cook. I had always wanted to do it, and so I went for the opportunity. It was new and I like doing new things. I tested the waters first, and people really liked it, so I’m saying ‘hey, if you want more you can have it!’”

Proceeds from the sale of the sauce, which is only available at restaurants and through MarkyRamone.com at this point, will go to help soldiers and family members of war veteran:

The charity I am going to send it to will be one that goes to the soldiers coming home from Iraq who need it. And some will go to the families who’ve lost husbands and wives in the war,” says Ramone. “I’ve always said, you don’t have to support the war, but you should always, always, support the troops.

Marky Ramone's Brooklyn's Own Pasta Sauce

Marky isn’t just busy in the kitchen these days, you can also catch the drummer extraordinaire on tour with his Ramones cover band Marky Ramone’s Blitzkrieg, hosting his Sirius radio show “Marky Ramone’s Punk Rock Blitzkrieg” or drumming up support for his drumming scholarship created by the Music Institute in Hollywood and funded by an upcoming all-star concert put together by Ramone to be held on October 8 at the Music Institute Concert Hall. Marky Ramone is also the subject of a new documentary called The Job that Ate My Brain detailing his remarkable history that began as a teenager in the New York City club scene.

Order the sauce and keep up on all things Marky Ramone at MarkyRamone.com!

(Author’s note: In the lyrics at the beginning of this post I made a bit of a stretch by associating marinara with marinate. Before those endowed with culinary acumen begin your all out assault in the comments section, please know I am aware of the transgression.) (I tried to make it up to you with an acumen/cumin play on words. Does that count for anything?)

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