The princess has a name — and it involves Diana

Princess Charlotte of England Newborn

The new Princess of England shall henceforth be known as Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte of Cambridge, officials from Kensington Palace announced today.

Little Charlotte really has quite the big name: Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. There is some speculation the first name is a tribute to Prince William’s father, Prince Charles. There have also been several notable royals named Charlotte, including Princess Charlotte of Wales — who would have become Queen of England in the 1800s, but died in childbirth.

Charlotte is more clearly the namesake of her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth, and late paternal grandmother, Princess Diana. (With all of those names squeezed in there, I have a feeling Prince William and Duchess Kate may not have plans to expand their family further.)

In case you missed it, Charlotte was born on Saturday, May 2, and weighed in at 8lbs 3oz. Amazingly, she and Mom were able to leave the hospital that same afternoon and are now spending some time at Kensington Palace before retiring to their country home. William and Kate will reportedly introduce the baby to the Queen tomorrow.

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