Prancercise, the joyful workout inspired by horses

What is Prancercise?

If you’re fed up with running, don’t have the money for pricey aerobics classes and lack the coordination for choreographed dance, Joanna Rohrback may have the solution for you: Prancercise.

“Prancercise is defined as a springy, rhythmic way of moving forward, similar to a horse’s gait and ideally induced by elation,” Rohrback explained on her website.

Really, though, no written description can do justice to a Prancercise workout.

Rohrback created the unique method of exercise back in 1989 when she “heard a really good song.” The rhythmic gait and prance evolved in time, particularly when she began channeling the movements of a horse.

“I was like a child again, prancing through the woods,” Rohrback told Daily Beast. “At one point, I was convinced I had four legs. A smile radiated from my face. I punched the sky, knowing that I was free. Call me Prancer, for I walk my path with joy.”

After the revelation, Rohrback sought to share the joy of Prancercise with the rest of the world. That’s where her inner-horse galloped into a barrier.

“Prancercising was developed before Zumba came out,” she said. “If I had had the investors and everything back then, Prancercising would have been a huge hit.”

After a decade of personal and financial setbacks, Rohrback was finally able to introduce Prancercise to a larger audience with the publication of her book, Prancercise: The Art of Physical and Spiritual Exercise.

However, it’s the instructional YouTube video that turned Prancercising into a viral hit.

Joanna Rohrback Prancercise

The comments on the video are disabled, but viewers are still finding ways to make their opinions of Prancercise known.

“Prancercise is my favorite work out & keeps me in shape.Glad to see it is finally getting the attention it deserves,” said one fan on Twitter.

Another resident of Rohrback’s hometown shared his testimonial on the Prancercise website: “Joanna and I have fun doing Prancercise together!”

Critics have also found ways to share their opinions.

“I was prancercing and accidentally pranced my way onto a rock and sprained my ankle. The doctor tried to shoot me! Stay away, unless you have strong legs,” warned one on the book’s Amazon reviews.

The unconventional Prancercise technique has certainly earned some snide comments, but Rohrback claimed she doesn’t mind.

“I say bring it on. I love it. Look at all the attention it’s getting me. If I wasn’t all those things, I wouldn’t be who I am.”

Thank goodness for that, Joanna! You and Prancercise are perfect just the way you are…

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