PHOTOS Who is Sophia Body? LHHNY star’s plastic surgery & video vixen past

Who is Sophia Body 3

So far, LHHNY’s newest newbie is best known as the woman who got into it with Mariahlynn over a matter of respect (and fellow new cast member James R). But who is Sophia Body? The former video vixen is trying to make it as a DJ and not get too sidetracked by the many distractions a full season of Love & Hip Hop New York can present.

One of Sophia’s breakthrough videos was Kama Ez-Mak’s “Day In The Life,” where she featured along future Fargo star Bokeem Woodbine:

And VH1 viewers may recognize her from her brief appearance on Black Ink Crew two seasons ago, when she got a little too friendly with Ceaser for Dutchess’ liking.

But at this point in her career, Sophia is probably best-known for the extensive cosmetic surgery she’s had done over the last few years. In fact, it looks like Sophia Body may actually rival fellow Season 8 newbie Dreamdoll as the cast’s most open endorser of body enhancements.

For some background, check out Sophia’s now-infamous 2015 interview with VladTV, in which she discusses a lot of the work she’s had done and details some butt shot horror stories. (Not hers, though–Sophia says she’s never had them–but friends’.) The interview was recorded shortly after Sophia had returned from Columbia for her third in a series of semi-failed boob job operations. Though she got from a C to a DD cup, her breasts somehow refused to sit right:

I’ve had a bad boob job, and I had to get it redone, like, three times….At first I had saline. I went to Miami…one of them ended up, like, up here [gestures at her chin]. I went back to Miami to get it redone; it still wasn’t right. I went to Columbia…because the doctors down there are very good [and cheaper]….But my doctor in Columbia still pissed me off, because he said ‘No’ to me. I wanted to do my lips, I wanted to do my abs–and he just said ‘No’ to me….[And] I just went in August [of 2015] to get them fixed. But it’s still not right!

Elsewhere in the interview, Sophia offered words of encouragement for any young girls looking to have work done on their bodies. Body positivity is important, yes–but so is doing your homework: “I just want to send a message to young girls,” Sophia said; “don’t go to [just] any plastic surgery; do your research.”

(We should also point out that Sophia is maybe not being completely honest here, since she’s said, in other interviews, that she did indeed have butt injections.)

So, who is Sophia Body? Check out this photo gallery of her throughout the years and see for yourself–starting with Sophia and her father in a throwback pic from 2009:

Who is Sophia Body 2009

Sophia’s college diploma after graduating in 2010:
Who is Sophia Body 1

Sophia living it up in 2012:
Who is Sophia Body 2012 2

Who is Sophia Body 2012

Sophia Body with her little sister in 2013, and another of Sophia’s pics from the same year:
Who is Sophia Body 2013 Little Sister

Who is Sophia Body 2013

Sophia keeping things tight in 2014:
Who is Sophia Body 2014

Who is Sophia Body 2014 2

And showing off her assets in 2015:
Who is Sophia Body 2015

Who is Sophia Body 2015 2

Sophia Body getting up close in 2016:
Who is Sophia Body 2016

Who is Sophia Body 2016 2

Finally, here’s Sophia Body today:
Who is Sophia Body 2017

You can catch Sophia in action when Love & Hip Hop New York Season 8 airs Monday nights at 8 on VH1.

(Photo credits: Who is Sophia Body via Instagram)

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