PHOTOS What Kim Kardashian shopping for a wedding cake looks like

Kim Kardashian shops at Hansen's Cakes

Kim Kardashian continues to plan for the American equivalent of the Royal Wedding with her and fiance Kris Humphries scheduled to tie the knot grandiose style August 20. As part of the preparations Kim has to pick out a wedding cake, and that’s exactly what she was doing Friday as she, her mom Kris Jenner, sister Khloe and brother Rob Kardashian visited Hansen’s Cakes in Los Angeles.

Kim Kardashian shops for wedding cakes at Hansen's Cakes in Los Angeles

I have to confess that this photo comes to closest of any I have ever seen to drawing my eyes away from Kim’s most famous of assets! Butt, in the end, Kim’s Kardashadonk is still sweeter and more stacked than a mere dozen wedding cakes!

So who’s looking forward to the big event and who’s sneering with contempt? I confess that seeing Kim Kardashian’s billion dollar wedding is tickling my spectacle bone! (I’m imagining a horse-drawn Rolls-Royce and living, gold-leafed swans)

Photos: Splash News

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