PHOTOS VIDEOS Jenelle Evans attends Miley Cyrus concert in Raleigh, takes Jenelfie with Miley

Jenelle Evans and Miley Cyrus Jenelfie

Thanks to Jenelle Evans’ infamous “feathers in my hair” comment on Teen Mom 2 pretty much everyone is well aware of how big of a concert fan she is. So just imagine how stoked she was to have front row seats to the Miley Cyrus show in Raleigh, North Carolina Tuesday night!

Jenelle has been sharing excited tweets for what seems like weeks now, and yesterday she seemed barely able to contain herself. “I GET TO SEE MILEY TOMORRROWWWWWWWW !!!!!!” She tweeted along with a string of happy emojis.

Jenelle’s excitement was tempered a bit by the real potential of a cancellation, however, after Miley was forced to cancel Monday’s night’s concert in Charlotte due to flu-like symptoms, with some speculating the death of her cherished dog Floyd also contributing to her being unable to perform. Jenelle remained optimistic — and supportive:


We had a little fun with the potential of a Miley Cyrus no show and Jenelle’s previous “feathers in my hair” Ke$ha comment and shared it on Twitter:


Despite the potential disappointment, an optimistic (and quite pregnant) Jenelle and her fiance Nathan Griffith made the trip to Raleigh — and Miley Cyrus did not disappoint! The show did go on, and Jenelle documented the entire thing with photos and videos — including the historic Jenelfie above with Miley Cyrus on stage in the background!

Here is a timeline of highlights from the rest of Jenelle’s evening with Miley. (Jenelle’s instagram captions are included beneath the corresponding photos and videos. I’ve embedded a number of tweets with instagram links just to save space — most all of them are video clips.)

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo 1
Miss Miley we made it !!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo Raleigh
🙂 🙂 🙂 omg I’m stoked! So many people !’




Jenelle Evans Nathan Griffith Miley Cyrus concert photo
Miley is about to come onnnnn! 🙂






FU !!!!













Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo hot dog
Miley on her wiener lol

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo Bangerz Tour
#NoFilter Miss Miley

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo 7
I was so close to her !

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo Jessica Rabbit
Forgot what song this was… But awesome pic 🙂

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert photo marijuana suit


Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert tour shirt photo
One of my dope shirts I got from the concert.

Miley Cyrus concert tour shirt photo
Another shirt.

Jenelle Evans Miley Cyrus concert tour panties photo

I not only feel like at I was actually at the show now, but I feel like I went with Jenelle! LOL

Thanks to Jenelle for sharing all the great photos and videos. 🙂

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