PHOTO Teen Mom Leah Messer has a new boyfriend Dusty Haas!

Teen Mom Leah Messer is reportedly dating Dusty Haas

It seems things are looking up for Teen Mom 2 Leah Messer after her emotional split from husband Corey Simms. She has reportedly finalized her divorce and received custody of her twin daughter Aleeah and Aliannah, and now she has shared photos of her and a handsome young man doing things together that only boyfriends and girlfriends do!

UPDATE – The photos shared by Leah were copyrighted and intended for resale so we removed them from the post. We will update again if we are able to acquire them. The photo above is of just Dusty Haas from our profile post on him.

These two photos were posted on her Facebook page and soon after Leah posted this status in reference to rumors that she was dating a feller named Tyler Blankenship (who apparently is dating Leah’s sister):

My sister is dating Tyler Blankenship NOT me! and YES that is ME in the new profile pic i just forgot to put the logo on it and the sun was glareing. Oh how i got to love my true haters and my TRUE FANS…

She then added this comment under the status update:

the guy in the pic is not tyler it is someone else lol. leave it at that lol

Leah had been hinting at being in a new relationship for a while on Twitter and Facebook with lots of “everything happens for a reason” type positive messages. All the way back on May 21 she tweeted “I’m starting to think some things fall apart so better things can fall in place together!(:”

It’s beginning to appear that Leah and Corey felt pressured to be together and it could be that they believed they could make it work, but I think they would both admit at this point it was a mistake. That being said, I’m glad to hear Leah is moving on. And you have to hand it to her for holding back some of the negative things that I’m sure people wanted to hear her say about Corey. She talks a lot about putting the interest of her daughters ahead of everything else and she has backed that up with her actions.

Anybody out there in the Teen Mom Nation got any additional info on the identity of Leah’s new beau? I wouldn’t know because I’m a dude and I can’t allow myself to know, but from all indications he’s mighty good lookin!

UPDATE – Mystery solved! His name is Dusty Haas and he’s a 23-year-old pipeliner and race car driver from Sissonville, West Virginia! CLICK HERE to find out more and see a couple photos!

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