PHOTOS Teen Mom Farrah Abraham models furkini for a motorcycle calendar

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham furkini calendar

19-year-old Farrah Abraham is not only a star of MTV’s Teen Mom, an author (she’s currently working on a book), and a culinary student with dreams of someday opening a restaurant, she is also finding time to pursue a professional modeling career! In addition to modeling for Aquage haircare products, Farrah scored a gig posing for J. Anthony Digital Photography‘s “Mastering the Art of American Motorcycles” 16-month calendar in May.

Photographer Jaye Ott met Farrah while shooting a runway show she was working and he asked if she’d be interested in the motorcycle calendar job. At the time he had no idea the model he was talking to was a star of a reality show and a tabloid sensation. He realized what he was in for when Farrah showed up for the calendar shoot with the MTV camera crew in tow. “I never imagined that I’d have a model show up to her photo shoot with her own production crew,” Jaye tells us.

Teen Mom Farrah Abraham in Mastering the Art of American Motorcycles 2011 calendar

Farrah Abraham graces the cover of the calendar and is also Miss May wearing a sexy faux fur outfit designed by none other than Farrah herself! Here’s the details on the shoot from Jaye:

“When I was putting the project together I gave a few of the models the opportunity to choose their motorcycles. Farrah chose a $40,000 red ‘Wolf’ made by Big Dog motorcycles and sold by Werner Cycle Works in Omaha, Nebraska.

“The idea was to take an artistic look at American motorcycles and do something a little different than the typical California calendar companies. We wanted to try to be more artistic and fashion forward with very attractive models instead of just being about models in bikinis (although we do feature a few of our models in swimwear).

Outtake photo from the Farrah Abraham Mastering the Art of American Motorcycles calendar shoot
^ Farrah Abraham “Mastering the Art of American Motorcycles” outtake photo

“We then had to decide on a theme for the photo and so far we had Farrah featured with a red ‘Wolf’ motorcycle. The “Red Riding Hood” theme was discussed, but Farrah didn’t really like the traditional ‘Red Riding Hood’ look, so she decided to design her own outfit with a faux fur wolfskin and called it, ‘Red Riding Hood Wolf.’

“Farrah actually hand drew the design from scratch which was then put together by Crystal Ellis of Faire L’amore in Omaha, Nebraska. I encouraged all of the models to be involved in brainstorming about their shoots and thought we’d come up with a more creative outcomes that way. In looking at the way Farrah’s shoot developed it was as if “Red Riding Hood” skinned the wolf and was wearing him…”

When asked how it was working with the reality starlet, Jaye says, “It was a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with Farrah. She was very professional and easy to work with.”

The photo shoot took place in Firth, Nebraska about 20 miles south of Lincoln on several acres owned by the Ron Phillips family. “The gorgeous property features a small lake, trees, a 100 year old barn and newly finished stunning log home,” says Jaye Ott, who also gave a shout out to the food available, stating “‘Farrah’s Fabulous Firth Photo Frenzy’ was catered by the local ‘Homestead Eatery” who provided a nice selection of cold cut sandwiches.”

Farrah Abraham poses with her calendar at University of Nebraska
Above photo: Farrah Abraham poses wearing a Santa hat holding a calendar at the Nebraska Bookstore during a signing event in Lincoln before the Cornhuskers’ game against Kansas Saturday, November 13, 2010.

So can we expect to see more of Farrah Abraham in future J. Anthony calendar projects? Jaye Ott says yes!

“Farrah will be in the 2012 version of the calendar which is in the layout and design phase and will be a trimmed down version containing 13 different project photos. I discovered that I need to be a year ahead to be on schedule for calendar production so we’ll be shooting for our next project which will be for 2013 and involve an artistic look at hod rods and classic cars later this year.”

You can pick up your copy of this full-color over-sized collector’s item at! And just in case you’re worried that the other girls and bikes won’t measure up to the Teenmomtrulescence of Farrah, here’s another sample photo from the calendar featuring 2010 Hooters calendar girl Brogan Kauzlarich showing her appreciation for “people in public service, firefighters and law enforcement everywhere.”

Hooters calendar girl Brogan Kauzlarich in a bikini on a motorcycle

From the calendar:

Brogan is the September ’11 Pirate in “Mastering the Art of American Motorcycles 2011.” Her photo shoot with the New Harley Davidson FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide provided by Dillon Brothers Harley Davidson in Elkhorn, Nebraska was so hot they had to bring in a fire engine for safety!


Here’s a photo that includes the front and back of the calendar:

Farrah Abraham 2011 calendar Mastering the Art of American Motorcycles

Photos: J. Anthony Digital Photography

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