PHOTOS Teen Mom 2 Megan Nelson look-alike contest

Chelsea Houska's roommate Megan Nelson from Teen Mom 2

Starcasm fave Megan Nelson makes her triumphant return to Teen Mom 2 tonight as she and Chelsea Houska reunite to attend a Lady Gaga concert together! In honor of this momentous occasion I thought I might highlight something fun going on right now over at that Facebook place – a Megan Nelson look-alike contest!

That’s right, young ladies (no cross-dressing males have entered yet, as far as I can tell) from across the globe have submitted their photos in hopes of being ordained as the one who most resembles the Teenmomtrulescence of Megan!

We all know that Megan’s visage is uncomparable and entirely unique in the universe (Find out more about her magical teeth and hair HERE) but that doesn’t mean folks can’t have a little fun looking for similarities, right? Right!

I’ll include thumbnails of all the competitors below, but I thought I would highlight my pick for the grand prize. This young lady takes home top honors mainly because of her mane – the hairstyle is definitely Megan-inspired and thanks to the flip-floppegery of the mirror is parted on the correct side. Also working in her favor is her joyous disposition, which is certainly reminiscent of the good-spirited former roommate of Chelsea that we have all grown to love:

Teen Mom 2 Megan Nelson look-alike contestant

And here is the full field of competitors. You have until Wednesday to cast your votes, which is done by “liking” the picture(s) you prefer at Megan Nelson’s ONLY official facebook fan page! (PLEASE – this contest is purely for fun. Megan and the pages admin prefer that you keep the meanness and hate to yourselves!)

Teen Mom 2 Megan Nelson look-a-like contest contestants

I will post the winner as soon as she is announced so stay tuned!

OK folks – the votes have been tallied and the winner is…

Uh oh. We have a full-fledged electoral controversy! It was first announced that Carlianna had won with her side-by-side cheerleader shot:

Megan Nelson look-a-like contestant Carlianna

But ten hours later Megan’s page made this startling announcement:

There was a mix up in photos last night and after correcting the mistake Emily wins with 922 votes her photos are (5&6) and Carlianna is in second place with 817 votes photo number 2. To make it fair since I mixed up the photos we will have TWO WINNERS 🙂 Congrats to Carlianna & Emily. You are the Megan Nelson Look Alike Winners -Danielle

WHOAH! It’s Bush/Gore all over again! We demand a recount!

Nah, just kiddin. Congrats to Emily for garnering the most votes and for being quite the lovely girl!

Winner of the Megan Nelson look alike contest Emily

Next up? A Barbara Evans (Jenelle’s mom) sounds-alike contest!

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